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Got a question?
Is this your first step into our wonderful world of hemp?
It’s a new world for many people and we pride ourselves on giving our customers as much accurate information as possible to help choose the hemp product that is right for them. We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions below, but if you’ve got a more specific question then please get in touch and our customer service team will be happy to advise you further.
Yes, it is 100% gluten free however our barista milk does contain malt extract which is derived from wheat, it is therefore fine for gluten intolerance suffers and coeliacs however if you suffer specifically from a wheat allergy we would not recommend you use this variation. Our Creamy Hemp Milk is gluten and wheat free.
Ours is better because it’s made from hemp! Hemp is a super seed, no other plant based milk has omega 3 in it! Hemp is also a much more environmentally friendly plant than oats – not that oats are bad! But hemp in fact is carbon positive as it breathes in sooooo much CO2, and also absorbs toxic elements from the soil? Oh and it also doesn’t even need watering, pesticides or herbicides… pretty cool.
We’ve spent years perfecting our hemp milk recipe, and the two most important aspects were 1. Having a milk that foamed up and tasted brilliantly in coffee, and 2. Having a milk with as few ingredients as possible, that still tasted delicious and creamy without any added sweetness. Of course our Barista milk is still super creamy and our Creamy can be used in teas and coffees – we just wanted the names of our products to describe what we like so much about them. The difference is that Barista has malt extract added for sweetness to cut through coffee and an acidicty regulator to help it foam, Creamy is nice and simple with only 3 ingredients (and no sugar!). That said, if you think you have better product names – let us know! @goodhemp on social or email hello@goodhemp.com.
Yes, our flour and protein powder are gluten free!
Yes! We’ve ensured all of our products are free from nuts, nor are they packaged in the same environment. We’ve got you covered.
Chilled Hemp Seed Milks – Waitrose, Asda (Creamy only)
Ambient Hemp Seed Milk – Waitrose, Sainsburys (Creamy only), Morrisons, Ocado, Holland & Barrett (Barista only)
Hemp Seed Oil – Waitrose, Ocado, Sainsburys, Holland & Barrett, Tesco
Seeds – Sainsbury’s, Ocado
Yes, vegan protein powder is good – it’s good for you and good for the planet! Our vegan hemp protein powder is especially great (if we do say so ourselves) – it’s also gluten-free and contains all 20 amino acids. However, it is unflavoured so make sure you try it in a tasty smoothie or indulgent brownie recipe so the taste is good – nay, great! – too.
No, hemp protein does not contain estrogen. As hemp foods have no phytoestrogen properties, hemp products don’t have an impact on estrogen levels one way or the other. However, hemp seeds do have a positive impact on hormonal health since they are chock-full of fibre, minerals, vitamins and essential amino and fatty acids.
No, hemp protein does not contain CBD. Hemp protein comes from the hemp plant’s seeds, which are then ground up and made into a fine powder. CBD, on the other hand, is harvested from the flowers of the leaves of the hemp plant.
If you’re looking for something that does contain CBD, why not check out our great range of CBD oils?
Yes, hemp protein is better than whey protein, especially for individuals who follow a plant-based diet or are lactose intolerant. Firstly, hemp protein is vegan (you can’t really beat that, can you?), while whey is not. It’s also high in heart healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids, while whey protein – you guessed it – isn’t.
Omega 6 is not bad for you! In fact your body needs more omega 6 than omega 3, however classic western diets typically contain more omega 6 than omega 3. However, if your main fat source is from hemp – you are receiving the right balance of each! Hemp seeds contain the perfect ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 (1:4).
Yes, hemp protein powder is good for you. Not only is it high in protein (duh), all of our protein powders are also vegan, gluten-free and contain all 20 amino acids… which basically means they’re banging and filled with lots of stuff that’s good for you and your body. Plus, they’re 100% natural and they’re a great way to make sure you’re meeting your daily protein goals or give you that extra boost you need to bulk up at the gym.
Well, we’d say it’s our vegan hemp protein powders – and we have good reason to think so. They’re all natural with no yucky additives or preservatives, and are complete proteins that contain not one, not two, but all 20 amino acids. We’ve got a wide range of hemp protein powders to fit all of your needs – especially if you’re looking for a vegan protein powder that’s chock-full of protein (obviously), fibre or omega-3.
Our 46% Protein has the widest range of health benefits as it contains more fibre and omega-3. If you’re just after protein then our Pure 85% Protein fits the bill as it has the highest protein content.
Yes, hemp protein is vegan, and it’s one of the most high quality vegan proteins out there. It contains all nine essential amino acids, as well as minerals, omega-3 and fibre.
Yes! We don’t buy in any hemp seed derivative, whole seeds arrive at our farm, which form the base (if not all!) of each product.
We started making our hemp seed milk in 2012, since then, the world of plant-based milks has come on tremendously far. Back in 2012, in a time before the flat-white, we were super proud of our hemp milk, we didn’t know how to make it froth, but it wasn’t a big deal. Fast forward to 2019 when everyone has a little milk frother at home, and baristas are moooving away from dairy. We also wanted fewer ingredients.
We no longer make original and unsweetened, instead we have our Barista and Creamy hemp seed milks (we hope you like these just as much, if not more). Despite this , for our ambient hemp seed milk found in the longlife section, might still find a few of these knocking around in some places since they have such a long shelf life!
When crafting the recipes for our new hemp milks, we removed these added ingredients (calcium and vitamin D2) to make our milk recipe more natural. This is why you’ll find our new creamy milk contains only 3 ingredients – hemp seeds, water and gellan gum (an emulsifier that stops it splitting). Plant-based milks cannot naturally provide sources of calcium or vitamin D2, however these are both present in cow’s milk which is why historically we chose to fortify our hemp milk with these added ingredients.
They’re the most friendly options available to us at the moment. Let us explain… Tetra Pak® cartons are a lightweight and low-resource form of packaging, which are principally made from a renewable resource (wood). We’re glad to see Tetra Pak® have launched carton recycling in the UK (so look out for a local collection near you). As for plastic, the bottles we use are the most recycled form of plastic bottle in Europe. In addition, local authorities are increasing their plastic recycling capabilities and packaging manufacturers are working incredibly hard to make new solutions available to food and drink companies like ours.
Because we know one of the favourite features of our hemp milk is that it doesn’t split – without this added ingredient our milk wouldn’t be as stable and therefore would be likely to split on occasion.
PET is widely recycled, which we encourage all consumers to do. We also sell our hemp milk in Tetra Pak, which is made from more sustainable materials, however less widely recycled. We know some of you can’t recycle Tetra Pak due to council regulations, it is therefore your call which you go for.
To transport and store glass, far more emissions are released, not to mention during the manufacturing of them! Selling our hemp milk is glass bottles is not a more sustainable option than our PET which is an easily recycled substance. We’re still looking for ways to get our hemp milk to you with as little wastage as possible!
If we could we would, however there are very limited materials food and drink can be packaged in, and hemp is not yet an option! When it is, we’ll be the first one signed up, until then we are continuing to search for more sustainable packaging options.
Hemp, also known as “cannabis sativa” is a plant. Hemp has been cultivated for thousands of years, most notably for ropes for naval vessels and for paper. The different parts of the plant have different uses – for example we use the seeds, however hemp is capable of producing hundreds of crucial resources including clothing, building materials, biofuel and more.
• Hemp plants breathe in four times more carbon dioxide than trees – think of them like little vacuum cleaners for the air.
• Hemp is such a naturally strong plant that it doesn’t need any pesticides or herbicides, which means cleaner air, land and water.
• These tall, leafy plants make a splendid sanctuary for all sorts of wildlife, and their flowers are beloved by bees.
• From the stalk to the seeds, the flowers and the leaves, every single part of a hemp plant can be put to good use. Talk about setting a good example!No, but we understand why people get confused. Both marijuana and hemp are varieties of the cannabis plant (hemp is Cannabis Sativa, while marijuana is Cannabis Indica). This means they look pretty similar, but they’re actually different in a number of ways. Most importantly, while marijuana contains up to 30% of a psychoactive substance called Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), hemp contains virtually none (typically below 0.3%). This means that marijuana will get you high, and hemp won’t. The cultivation of hemp is regulated both in the UK (by the Home Office) and in the EU by authorities that ensure plant breeding remains vigilant.
Hemp, otherwise known as “cannabis sativa” is a plant in the cannabis family, well known for it’s cousin marijuana. However, unlike marijuana, hemp contains no THC (the bit gets you high) and you’ll only find CBD in the leaves – none of either in the seeds which are the bits which we use!
We like to say like a cross between a pine nut and a sunflower seed – lightly nutty however obviously free from nuts!
Our hemp seeds are sourced from carefully selected growers around the world, with the majority of them coming from Canada and France. When we first started Good Hemp back in 1998, we endeavoured to grow all of the hemp we’d need from our farm in Devon. Unfortunately, however, we found that the UK’s climate is not well-suited to large-scale hemp production. We’re committed to making hemp a global kitchen staple, which means we’ve had to look further afield to meet demand. We’re constantly reassessing our suppliers and looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint.
We grow a small amount of the hemp seed we use on our farm in Devon, with the majority coming from our trusted collaboratives in France, the rest of the EU and Canada. The reason for this is because although we would ideally like to reduce the distance our seeds have to travel and support British farmers, not a lot of hemp is actually grown in the UK yet (but we are working on that!).
We are committed to providing the best products from the best quality hemp seeds we can find, without greatly inflating the price. China is also the home of hemp, and they appear to have the longest continuous history of hemp cultivation in the world – around 6,000 years.
CBD oil is made from CBD that has been extracted from the flowers and leaves of the cannabis plant, then diluted with a carrier oil such as hemp seed or coconut oil. It can help with everything from mental health to physical health, and has been known to positively impact your mood and reduce chronic pain, along with a variety of other benefits. For more information on CBD oil – and some reasons why we think you should try it – check out what CBD oil is and why you should try it.
No, CBD oil will not get you high – despite common misconceptions, it’s not the same thing as marijuana, meaning you won’t experience the high typically associated with the plant. While both CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) come from the same plant (Cannabis), the “high feeling” is caused by THC, not CBD.
CBD oil has many different benefits. It can be used to treat chronic pain, neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimers, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, anxiety, high blood pressure, acne and more. To learn more, check out this handy blog post for the benefits of CBD Oil we whipped up.
Pure CBD (aka CBD isolate) offers a clean and consistent CBD dosage every time, free from unwanted impurities. As CBD is isolated, certain impurities are removed (such as THC), meaning Good Hemp’s CBD oils don’t have any psychoactive effects or other unwanted substances in them. Pure CBD offers a wide range of benefits when coupled with a healthy diet and lifestyle and is the go-to choice for many people who are interested in trying CBD oil for the first time.
Yes, CBD oil is safe as long as you use the recommended dosage – we suggest you start out with five drops of our 250mg CBD oil three times a day – and adjust according to how it affects your body. You should also ensure you never exceed more than 70mg of CBD per day. Although it is uncommon, some people do experience side effects. Additionally, CBD oil may not be right for you if you are taking other medications – when in doubt, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor first.
Good Hemp’s Pure CBD oil is 100% safe, FSA approved and legal.
Yes, there are impure versions of CBD. Many of these products do not meet the safety standards required for food supplements and can have residues of pesticides, fertilisers and other chemicals used during cultivation or manufacture (yuck!). Good Hemp’s Pure CBD oils are thoroughly tested from the field through to the final product to ensure our Pure CBD is 100% pure – guaranteed.
Yes, synthetic versions of CBD are available for use and are widely seen in the cosmetics market. They should be avoided – although they are pure, they are not derived from an actual plant source. Good Hemp’s Pure CBD oils never use synthetic forms of isolates. Instead, we use 100% natural, hemp-derived pure isolated 99.8%+ CBD.
CBD oil can be taken in a variety of ways, from adding a bit into your morning coffee or smoothie to holding a few drops under your tongue and then swallowing. While the right dosage of CBD isn’t one size fits all – it varies from person to person – we recommend beginners start with five drops of our 250mg CBD oil three times a day. You can always increase your dosage once you get used to how CBD oil affects your body.
If you want more inspiration, check out our unique ways on how to take CBD oil.
How many drops of CBD oil you should take per day will, of course, depend on a variety of factors, such as your tolerance and how CBD oil impacts you and your body. However, we typically recommend that you start off by taking five drops of our 250mg Natural CBD Oil three times a day, which adds up to 18mg. Once you’ve monitored how that makes you feel, you can consider upping your dosage – although you should ensure that you don’t exceed 70mg of CBD oil per day (which equals out to 56 drops of our 250mg CBD oil).
When it comes to using CBD oil for pain relief, keep in mind that its effects typically take about 15 to 45 minutes to kick in. If you’re looking to use CBD for joint pain, many people find it works best when the CBD is applied topically, meaning applied directly to the area where they’re experiencing pain. For period or headache pain, taking CBD orally and holding it under the tongue for 30 seconds can be more effective.
This answer to how long will a bottle of CBD oil will last depends on a variety of factors, including how big your bottle of CBD oil is, how often you use it and how large each of your doses is. Our bottles of Pure CBD oil are 10ml and have between 40 and 100 servings in them. This means that the CBD drops will last for a minimum of 13 days – however, your bottle could last much longer than that depending on how frequently (or should we say infrequently) you use CBD oil.
No, you don’t need to refrigerate CBD oil. Research shows that cannabinoids deteriorate quickly when they are exposed to light and air, so ensure that your CBD oil is stored somewhere cool and dark, like a kitchen cupboard, and that its bottle is airtight.
We’re not doctors and don’t claim to be, but there have been studies showing that CBD can improve many aspects of health, it can improve sleep, concentration, reduce anxiety, reduce pain, reduce inflammation, amongst other benefits that are still being explored. Whilst there still needs to be more research on the subject, we believe it’s a good thing for holistic balance and wellbeing. It is always down to the individual user to do their research and always check with a medical professional first.
Yes, studies have shown that CBD oil is highly effective when it comes to treating stress and stress-related disorders such as generalised anxiety and social anxiety. Over time, CBD oil has become increasingly popular as a treatment for mental health issues, including anxiety and depression.
Yes, it’s safe to use CBD oil every day – in fact, it’s recommended that you do so to reap the best results. This is because CBD is lipophilic (aka fat soluble), meaning over time it compounds in your body; this adds to its potential health benefits. And, while you can’t overdose on CBD, it’s a good idea to stick to the recommended dosage.
Non-GMO CBD is better for the environment and those consuming it as there are no pesticides, herbicides or fertilisers used during cultivation. Good Hemp’s Pure CBD oils are made entirely from non-GMO hemp. This means that the hemp plants where we get our CBD from benefit the environment instead of harming it.
Studies have shown that CBD oil has contributed to easing symptoms of common health issues like acne, depression, anxiety and heart disease. It may even provide cancer patients with natural pain relief. For more information on CBD oil’s benefits for health and wellbeing, check out our blog post about CBD oil benefits.
While we have done an extensive amount of research on the benefits of CBD oil, it’s important to note that we are not doctors. If you have any questions about how CBD oil will affect you, it never hurts to check with your GP before trying it.
It’s up to you and how CBD oil impacts your body. Some people prefer taking it in the morning, as it helps them wake up and boosts their levels of productivity. Other people stick to night-time usage, as it relaxes them and makes them feel drowsy and ready for bed. Other people take it in both the morning and the evening. In short, there’s no ‘right’ time of day to take CBD oil – you should take it whenever works best for you.
The strongest CBD oil we have is our unflavoured 2000mg Natural CBD Oil. It is a higher strength and ideal for those who are looking for a stronger concentration of dosage. As this is a higher grade CBD oil, we would only recommend it to those who have used CBD oils for a sustained period of time already.
Putting CBD oil under your tongue gives you the fastest results. As there are lots of capillaries under your tongue, holding the CBD oil drops there for 30 to 60 seconds will cause the CBD to reach your bloodstream quicker – and with more noticeable results – than it would were you to wait for your digestive system to process it.
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