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Why We Love CBD Oil and CBD Hemp Milk

National CBD Day may have come and gone on the 8th of August, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t make a splash about our love (and we mean love) for CBD all year round. 

If we only celebrated this magical chemical compound once a year, it would feel a bit like switching off our lights for ‘Earth Hour’, and then purposefully leaving them on each time we leave the house for the other 364 days. 

While energy saving does play a role in our mission to unfuck the planet one day at a time, you may be reading this on a Monday morning, so we’re not going to go there right now. Perhaps you don’t even have your first cup of coffee in you yet. *gasp*

Instead, let’s talk about lighter things, like leaves, plants and stalks. Yes! These three are used in the creation of CBD, the star of our range of Pure CBD oils and milks. Whether you know a little about one or both at this stage, we’ve got you covered with the full scoop, including what CBD is, its benefits, and more.


If you’re newly curious about CBD, welcome to the party! Otherwise known as cannabidiol, CBD is a chemical compound typically found in the leaves and flowers of a hemp plant. While this plant is commonly associated with marijuana, CBD is not psychoactive, as it contains little to no levels of THC. The compound is perfectly legal and even the NHS agrees that CBD has medical benefits.

CBD oil is made from the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. There are two types of CBD oils on the market, namely full spectrum extract, and isolate. Full spectrum extract is made with CBD and a collection of other cannabinoids (as well as cannabis terpenes). CBD isolate, as the suggests, contains only CBD and no other terpenes or cannibidoise.

Good Hemp Pure CBD Oil Range

CBD oil uses

CBD oils have various uses. Primarily sold in liquid form (as drops), CBD has also found its way into the market as capsules, creams, pastes, salves and more. It’s even been used in food and drink (but we’ll touch on our beloved hemp milk in just a little bit).

Strictly speaking there isn’t a right way to use CBD oil, and often it comes down to personal preference. The basic principle is that it needs to be ingested in some way in order to provide the desired results. 

Some people like to place a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue each morning, waiting for a minute or two before swallowing. Others like to rub it on their hands, and place more emphasis on ingesting the aroma. Choosing the best way for you will depend on your own preferences and what you’re looking to achieve.

Here’s how @hijessiemay uses Good Hemp CBD oil to ease her anxiety and sleep better at night.


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CBD oil benefits

If you’re thinking about why you might try CBD oil for yourself, the following health benefits should put your mind at ease a little. Aside from being a great antidote for when you’re having one of those days, CBD oil can also help with recurring problems like anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain or even if you’re feeling over-stimulated by the hustle and bustle of modern life. 

Not to get too technical on you, but CBD oil is also the subject of many ongoing human studies testing its effect in the treatment of medical conditions ranging from acne all the way through to Parkinsons and cancer. This paints a picture of an exciting future, with many possibilities. 

CBD oil also has anti-inflammatory properties. UFC fighter Nate Diaz uses CBD oil to help with muscle recovery after a taxing fight. While we don’t encourage getting into any fights to prove that it works (our legal team is not a fan of this kind of thing), trying CBD after a long run or if you’ve had a strenuous workout will likely yield many positive results.  

CBD Hemp Milk

If oils aren’t exactly your thing, CBD milk could be an alternative that will give you the same benefits, but perhaps as a slightly easier-to-manage component of your morning routine.

Our CBD Hemp milk was first unveiled at the end of 2019, and we’re super proud that it was the first CBD plant-based milk product ever sold in the UK. While we’re chuffed with ourselves about this, we’re more interested in introducing as many people as possible to CBD beverages and spreading the word about what these drinks can do for your overall health and wellbeing.


CBD beverages

While people are already quite familiar with kombucha and it’s probiotic qualities, CBD drinks have started to give it a run for its money. New offerings on the market include CBD water, coffee and even non-alcoholic wine! 

The process of making these alternatives depends on the type of product itself, but generally speaking the original beverage is prepared the way it would usually be prepared, filtered and treated after, and then it is infused with CBD. 

In case you’re wondering (as many before you have as well), just like in CBD oils, the infusion doesn’t induce the “high” that is commonly associated with marijuana. The drink is popular for its ability to offer wellness without the mind-altering effects of it’s recreational cousin. 

Why CBD Hemp Milk is special

Hemp milk is the apple of our eye as it is a terrific pairing for CBD, mostly because both are derived from a natural, non-manufactured and carbon negative crop. The milk is created from seeds, resulting in a product that is high in omega-3 and omega-6. Kapow.

Source: Giphy

During infusion, 7.5mg of CBD is added per 125ml serving of milk. This is what we call the perfect amount for anyone looking to add some healthy zest to their morning cereal, smoothie, or even for that trusted cup of coffee we mentioned earlier. 

Real talk: hemp milk is also a nice alternative if you’re a little worried about the environmental effects of drinking dairy milk. Regular dairy and non-dairy drinkers have found it to be a light, healthy and refreshing substitute. 

Joining The CBD Gang

Whether it’s CBD oil or milk you’re after, joining our gang (there we go again!) is as simple as trusting your gut and picking the one that shouts out at you first. Our selection of CBD oil drops is a decent starting point if you’re looking to get your hands on either, or to explore what else we have to offer.

Trying CBD oil or hemp milk could be the first step towards leading a more sustainable and happy life. It can also slot perfectly into an existing self care routine. You might just want to see the pretty pictures on the product pages for now. Whatever you’re after in this very moment, we’ve got you. 

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